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Writing Center: Paraphrasing/Sumarizing

Paraphrase vs. Summarize

Paraphrasing & Summarizing are methods simply used to describe the work of another author in your own words. In both cases, citing is still necessary. While summarizing provides a brief/overall description of your resource, paraphrasing goes deeper and goes over sections of the resource piece by piece. 

For example:

Genesis 2 Summarized

God created the first man and woman of the world in the book of Genesis. When God placed Adam into a deep sleep, He  took one of his ribs and formed Eve (Gen. 2).


Paraphrase to go 1 step further...


Genesis 2:20-21 Paraphrased

    Adam was given the task of naming every animal. Names were given to those that flew and those on land as well. However, Adam still needed a companion. Because of this, the Lord put Adam to sleep. While asleep, God removed one of Adam's ribs from his body (Gen. 2:20-21).

Summarize/Paraphrase Activity

Choose a movie that you have recently seen...

  1. Summarize the entire movie as if you were sharing with a friend.
  2. Paraphrase, with more detail, a certain scene from the movie.